Our thoughts and prayers are with Ashling Murphy's family, friends, and school community. Newtown N.S. are heartbroken and mourn such a tragic loss.
Our school community fell silent at 11.00 am in remembrance of the late and beloved teacher Aisling Murphy. 5th & 6th Class would like to invite you to take part in their Christmas charity fundraiser. We greatly appreciate your kind donations in aid of S.V.P Lobinstown. Thank you for your support! Go raibh maith agaibh! Speak Up, Speak Out, Get heard.
Presentations and Elections on Tuesday- 30th November 2021. Introducing our new school GAA jerseys.
We are delighted to receive a new set of school jerseys for the school. We would like to say a massive thank you to Ardee Credit Union for sponsoring this set of jerseys for our school. We cannot thank you enough. The kids are really excited to getting back to school and wearing them in their school league and hopefully some competitions this year. Thank you to our Student Council for representing the pupil's voice in the school in which they voted on their favourite design for the jersey. We all agree they chose well. Thank you Ardee Credit Union for your support and making this happen. All children in Newtown N.S. are welcome and really looking forward to their meeting with Meath Captain Dónal Keoghan and Meath Ladies Player and past pupil Orlaith Duff.
Details on this has been sent out by teachers. We are really excited to hear your questions and the expert advice the players will have for you. Congratulations to 5th and 6th on their very successful charity fundraiser this year. The children ran a "Christmas Jumper Day" in aid of Crumlin hospital, a very worthy cause. All classes wore their Christmas jumpers and jingly Christmas outfits to school and donated to Crumlin hospital. The children had lots of fun throughout the day with activities organised by the Parent's Council and teachers. (Thank you)
The above picture is of our 5th & 6th Class wearing their jumpers and standing infront of our beautiful outdoor Christmas tree kindly donated to the school by Durnin Fruit and Veg. A massive thank you to Durnins for supporting the school, the children really loved making decorations for the tree as our usual Christmas events couldn't take place due to Covid restrictions. We still made the most of our time together at school. Thanks to all the parents and families who supported our wonderful fundraiser, we are truly grateful and cannot thank you enough for your kindness and I know all at Crumlin hospital feel the same. From 5th and 6th Class. In Newtown NS we are collecting for the Aldi Play Rugby Sticker Promotion, to be in with a chance to win prizes for our school. We have almost filled one poster already! The deadline to complete the posters is the 24th April. Third and fourth class are currently enjoying their swimming lessons. Thank you to parent volunteers accompanying pupils and teacher each week, the Parent Association for subsidising the bus and parents for paying for this activity.
This year third and fourth class have been learning chess with Ms. Corr. They had the opportunity to attend a chess tournament in the local area on Tuesday 28th January. At this tournament the children got the chance to play against pupils from different schools. They had great fun on this day out and learned many new techniques and ideas from playing against others.
On Friday 20th December fifth and sixth class held a Christmas Fair for pupils in school. They asked children to bring in donations of toys, books, etc. to sell at the fair and donated all money raised to the ISPCA. We would like to thank everyone for supporting this annual Christmas fair.
The children in Newtown NS had a fantastic time preparing and performing their Christmas plays. On Thursday 12th December we held dress rehearsals for our Christmas plays and on Friday 13th December we invited parents to come and see the children performing. They were a huge success and they were greatly enjoyed by all involved. Thank you to parents for making costumes for each play and the Parent Association for providing tea for parents and treats for the children on the day of the performances.
On Friday 25th October we had a skipping workshop in Newtown N.S. Great fun was had by all in school as our coach Mark encouraged children at all levels to develop their rhythm when skipping. Mr. Dockery visited Newtown N.S. on Monday 4th November for a Heritage in Schools workshop. He brought in many interesting historical items and we were encouraged to bring in old items from home to present to one another. We would like to thank children's families for allowing them to bring in historical items, Mr. Dockery for the Heritage in Schools workshop and Ms. Judge for organising the day. We had a wonderful day learning about history. At Newtown N.S. we had great fun celebrating Halloween. We completed various artwork relating to the theme of Halloween and on Thursday 24th October we had a Halloween Dress Up Day in our school! Thank you to all who took part, we had a fantastic day that was enjoyed by all. On Sunday December 6th, Santa came to visit our school! He arrived in a very cool way, as you can see by the photos below! We had a great day, which included raffles, artwork displays and competitions, games, refreshments, face painting and lots more! We thank our wonderful Parent Association who go to so much trouble to make this day such a success every year!
We held our Christmas Carol Service in the Church of the Holy Cross, Lobinstown on Saturday 15th December. The Carol Service was the culmination of many weeks of practicing and preparing by the whole school. We are especially grateful to the fantastic talent and help of Sinéad McNally, who has been teaching in our school this term. She is a talented musician and put together the music for us. We even performed a song which she wrote herself, titled 'Nearly Christmas', which has now become the most favourite song in our school! She also worked with our own talented school musicians, with students playing guitar, flute, saxophone and percussion instruments with great success! We also have many talented singers and brave soloists among our pupils! Everyone took part brilliantly and we are so proud of you all! Thank you to Fr. Gerry and Fr. Timothy and to our parish community for the use of the church.
Newtown United soccer team had a great win in the
North East Football League Division 3 final recently! We were delighted to have them visit our school with their trophy and tell us all about their victory. Many of their players are past pupils of our school and it was lovely to welcome them back. They even brought us treats and let us take photographs with the trophy! Congratulations to Newtown United, from all in Newtown National School! We recently welcomed reknowned wildlife consultant and TV and radio personality Éanna Ní Lamhna to Newtown NS. Éanna brought each class on a fun wildlife hunt of our local environment. We explored and learned about what trees, wildlife and minibeasts we share our local environment with. We learned a lot and Éanna encouraged us to plant some more native species of trees in our school grounds, which we hope to do soon! Watch this space! We thank Éanna and Heritage in Schools for this very informative visit.
The pupils of 5th and 6th Class will hold a Bring and Buy Sale/Christmas Fair and Cake Sale in the school on Friday 19th December to raise funds for the JEP programme. We are asking for the following items, in good condition, if anyone has any available:
We thank you all for your continuing support. :-) |