1st and 2nd class went on a nature walk. September 2021. We planted acorns. We hope to grow our own oak tree, in time. We enjoyed studying the seeds in a variety of fruits. We cut and tasted the fruits and talked about the benefits of healthy eating.
Cleas na Súile: Creating Physiological illusions
Art & Science 1st & 2nd October 2021
Art & Science 1st & 2nd October 2021
Congratulations to all the young Scientists, Artists, Mathematicians, Engineers, thinkers and problem solvers in Newtown National School. You have been awarded the Discover Primary Science Plaque award for 2021.
End of Year Whole School S.T.E.A.M Show & Tell Celebrations.
Meitheamh / June 2021
Meitheamh / June 2021

1s & 2nd class felt very privileged to be present to facilitate the release of the painted lady butterflies at the end of term three 2021. We observed with great curiosity and enjoyed reading and talking about the process of metamorphosis over the course of the month of June.

1s and 2nd class enjoyed making sundials, finding true North and learning about light and shadows this month.

1st and 2nd class worked creatively and showed great originality when they created board games, in their pods. The children incorporated the counties and provinces of Ireland into their games, worked on themes, created a rule book, tested their games, adjusted their games after play and group feedback. We enjoyed playing our unique board games outside as part of our outdoor Maths work in June.

1st & 2nd Class: Design a Boat and make it float. Use elastic energy to power the boat.
1st & 2nd Class: We designed a boat. We tested different materials to see which materials would float. We made propellers and had boat races. We learnt about the different parts of the boat. We were learning about elastic energy and materials that float. Twisted Elastic can make energy.
1st & 2nd Class: We designed a boat. We tested different materials to see which materials would float. We made propellers and had boat races. We learnt about the different parts of the boat. We were learning about elastic energy and materials that float. Twisted Elastic can make energy.

1st & 2nd Class Love learning outside. We made the most of the sun this month and measured the length and width of various body parts, before creating art inside our outlines. We gave feedback and made comparison after we shared our results. There was great cooperation during the session. Maith sibh!
1st & 2nd: Challenge: Design, make and test rockets made from paper and curved into cylinders with conical cap added. Use blow force to enable rocket to fly. Discover that air can make objects move. Test rockets for distance. Become aware that a breeze can move objects. Test rocket flight using different angles. Test rockets against the force of the wind and with the force of the wind. Discuss and record findings and distance travelled. Find out about the latest space mission and landings of crafts on Mars.

Living Things: 1st & 2nd: Living Things: Planting and preparing flower beds outside to encourage pollinators. Learning the names of some of the flowers and plants on the school grounds.
Grow our own edible vegetable with as part of the Big Grow.
Teaming up with Picker Pals and engaging in Global community zoom meetings.
We also received our Butterfly kit to watch the metamorphosis process.
Grow our own edible vegetable with as part of the Big Grow.
Teaming up with Picker Pals and engaging in Global community zoom meetings.
We also received our Butterfly kit to watch the metamorphosis process.

1st & 2nd Class. Light & Colour.
- Children in 1st & 2nd made a rainbow spinner / Newton's Disc, as a simple way of demonstrating how the colours of the rainbow combine to make white light. The children used some circles of white card (8cm diameter), some coloured pencils , markers and an ordinary pencil. The children coloured each segment a different colour of the rainbow, Made a hole in the center using your pencil and pushed it through. Children• Predicted what they thought would happen when they spun the disc with pencil. The children discussed the spin and friction on different surfaces- playing indoors and outdoor with spinners.

1st & 2nd Class: Engineer's Week, with Engineer Ireland. & Green Energy Projects. 1st & 2nd: Engineer's Ireland Week. We enjoyed taking part in Engineer's Ireland week. We:
- Explored the theme of wind energy and green energy sources, exploring types and benefits of renewable energy.
- The children created a Green energy poster after reading and researching different energy sources. The children gave a talk to peers on benefits of green / renewable energy. The children made paper wind turbines from Engineer Ireland resources. Some able to give their opinions about nuclear energy and discussed the Chernobyl disaster and consequences for the soil, air, water earth and impact on human life and human health.

Being part of a local, global and digital community. 1st & 2nd: Environmental Care and Awareness projects with the National Heritage Trust for schools & With Picker Pals.
We loved meeting and hearing from other children from around Ireland and even as far as away as China, during our environmental projects, Zoom meetings and Online Webinars. We loved hearing from Heritage and Wildlife experts with the National Heritage in schools project and the Picker Pals team.
We have presented some of our work to the Picker Pals team, to share our hard work and contributions in caring for the environment. We linked up with other schools and listened to some of their poems about looking after the planet. We participated in no Mow May to encourage pollinators. We discussed and read about some of the environmental problems and looked for solutions, using the 6Rs.
We loved meeting and hearing from other children from around Ireland and even as far as away as China, during our environmental projects, Zoom meetings and Online Webinars. We loved hearing from Heritage and Wildlife experts with the National Heritage in schools project and the Picker Pals team.
We have presented some of our work to the Picker Pals team, to share our hard work and contributions in caring for the environment. We linked up with other schools and listened to some of their poems about looking after the planet. We participated in no Mow May to encourage pollinators. We discussed and read about some of the environmental problems and looked for solutions, using the 6Rs.

Hour of Code & Coding Week / Coding Month. Children across the school have been invited to learn to Code. The children are using a range of apps. 1st & 2nd class like Code.org and Scratch. Some children can code in HTML, PYTHON and Java Script as well as use visual coding blocks; from attending Dojo Mór events, coding clubs and learning online. For the junior end of the school and in 1st and 2nd we will be using Visual Block Coding, to build our own game, over time.
1st & 2nd Class. Testing S.T.E.A.M projects outside- Balloon Powered Cars. & Maths Trail.
1st & 2nd: Projects with Water and liquids. 1st & 2nd class: We made music using glass bottles and coloured water. Through playing with water and pouring different amounts of liquid into each jar, the children discovered that when we tapped the bottle, the water molecules vibrate and create different pitches. We discovered that the bottles with the most water made the lowest pitch while the bottles with the least water were higher in pitch.
We played and experimented with different liquids, to investigate the density of the liquids by making density towers. We also created density towers to observe the density of various liquids.
We played and experimented with different liquids, to investigate the density of the liquids by making density towers. We also created density towers to observe the density of various liquids.

Living Things: Coloured Roses Experiment
1st and 2nd class were learning that plants need a transport system to move food, water and minerals around. We learnt that the water that evaporates from the leaves and petals pulls (cohesion) other water behind it up the stem and into the leaves and petals to fill the space left by the evaporating water. We used food colouring to make observing the process of transpiration and cohesion easier to observe.
1st and 2nd class were learning that plants need a transport system to move food, water and minerals around. We learnt that the water that evaporates from the leaves and petals pulls (cohesion) other water behind it up the stem and into the leaves and petals to fill the space left by the evaporating water. We used food colouring to make observing the process of transpiration and cohesion easier to observe.

As a whole school, we celebrated Maths Week.
We registered with Maths Week Ireland. We had fun!
We participated in daily webinars, enjoying the engaging activities provided by Math's Specialists.
1st and 2nd class also, set themselves the Geodome challenge, using triangles and tessellations to hold a load.
We also investigated the properties of the materials and were able to make weak structures strong.
We registered with Maths Week Ireland. We had fun!
We participated in daily webinars, enjoying the engaging activities provided by Math's Specialists.
1st and 2nd class also, set themselves the Geodome challenge, using triangles and tessellations to hold a load.
We also investigated the properties of the materials and were able to make weak structures strong.
1st & 2nd Class. Remote learning - Weather Watchers Project.

Bridges Project: Forces, Materials & Engineering.
1st and 2nd class have really enjoyed their Bridges project and marble run project. The children researched famous bridges and rollercoasters in Ireland and around the world. We set ourselves the challenge of trying to build some of the bridges and a rollercoaster, that we particularly loved. We completed three challenges. To design, make and test a free standing bridge out of spaghetti and materials such as lollipop sticks; that would be strong enough to hold a load, without breaking. The children had to think about two important forces in play on bridges; compression and tension as too much of either and their bridges would buckle.
1st and 2nd class have really enjoyed their Bridges project and marble run project. The children researched famous bridges and rollercoasters in Ireland and around the world. We set ourselves the challenge of trying to build some of the bridges and a rollercoaster, that we particularly loved. We completed three challenges. To design, make and test a free standing bridge out of spaghetti and materials such as lollipop sticks; that would be strong enough to hold a load, without breaking. The children had to think about two important forces in play on bridges; compression and tension as too much of either and their bridges would buckle.

1st & 2nd Class: Magnetism & properties of Materials.
Children in 1st and 2nd class, tested the strength of different magnets. Investigated what materials in class were magnetic, created a magnet maze using cardboard to race different materials along the track, using the magnets attractive force to move the magnetic objects through the track.
The children discovered that magnets have an attractive and repulsive force.
Children in 1st and 2nd class, tested the strength of different magnets. Investigated what materials in class were magnetic, created a magnet maze using cardboard to race different materials along the track, using the magnets attractive force to move the magnetic objects through the track.
The children discovered that magnets have an attractive and repulsive force.
1st & 2nd Class: Outdoor Fun with Mini-beasts & Mathematics.
Junior and Senior Infants
We explored coding with Scratch on our iPads. Children used their creativity to animate a character and add a background. Some groups created a Dino dancing party. We had lots of fun!

Living things: Plants and animals.
Most beans are very quick growing and, once they get going, you can expect tasty pods. Therefore we decided to plant bean seeds in small biodegradable pots which we could later plant in our gardens at home. We were very curious about our bean seeds as they tested our patience at first but our efforts were rewarded with the first leaves. This work has helped to develop a positive attitude towards our local environment, valuing and caring for the different plants.
Most beans are very quick growing and, once they get going, you can expect tasty pods. Therefore we decided to plant bean seeds in small biodegradable pots which we could later plant in our gardens at home. We were very curious about our bean seeds as they tested our patience at first but our efforts were rewarded with the first leaves. This work has helped to develop a positive attitude towards our local environment, valuing and caring for the different plants.

Materials: Materials and change.
We used balloons to explore the different states of water. One was filled with air (gas), and the two with water. We froze one of the water balloons so that we had a solid, liquid and gas. We took them outside and used our senses to explore water in all three states.
We used balloons to explore the different states of water. One was filled with air (gas), and the two with water. We froze one of the water balloons so that we had a solid, liquid and gas. We took them outside and used our senses to explore water in all three states.

Energy and forces.
Junior and Senior infants had an open enquiry about different materials and forces. We did an open investigation where we explored different materials in our environment, created ramps of various heights and looked at how far different materials go, when pushed. There was lots of language and a very busy classroom.
Junior and Senior infants had an open enquiry about different materials and forces. We did an open investigation where we explored different materials in our environment, created ramps of various heights and looked at how far different materials go, when pushed. There was lots of language and a very busy classroom.

Environmental awareness and care.
We have often seen a bird flying with a twig in his mouth and wondered why. We thought a little deeper and realised this bird is building its home. We explored our environment to find bird nests in corners of roofs and in trees. Junior and senior infants collected and examined some natural materials which birds use to build their nests such as dried leaves, twigs, wool, moss and feathers.
We have often seen a bird flying with a twig in his mouth and wondered why. We thought a little deeper and realised this bird is building its home. We explored our environment to find bird nests in corners of roofs and in trees. Junior and senior infants collected and examined some natural materials which birds use to build their nests such as dried leaves, twigs, wool, moss and feathers.
Environmental awareness and care.
We created masterpieces with materials supplied by Mother Nature. We made foraged art with plants we found in our local environment. It is important to respect nature by only gathering materials that are in abundance and that had fallen to the ground. We looked for multi-sized leaves, flowers and seeds with various textures, shapes and colours.
We created masterpieces with materials supplied by Mother Nature. We made foraged art with plants we found in our local environment. It is important to respect nature by only gathering materials that are in abundance and that had fallen to the ground. We looked for multi-sized leaves, flowers and seeds with various textures, shapes and colours.

5th & 6th Class enjoyed Coding online using - Code.org. They completed levels 1-10. They moved on to creating their own games. Some children can code in HTML, PYTHON and Java. Those who were new to this, enjoyed it so much they went home, joined up and practised at home.
Materials - Properties and characteristic of materials.
We recognised that materials can be in solid, liquid or gas form.
We identified and investigated a range of common materials in the immediate environment water, air, rock, fabric, paper, metal, wood, plastic, food.
We discussed boiling, melting, condensation, freezing, solidifying and evaporation.
We grouped materials. We discussed materials and changing states
Completed a Watercycle experiment, this linked in with our Geography.
For Science week – we watched the following videos
Phenomenal physics of Water
Curious chemistry of water
Ecological wonder of water
We identified and investigated a range of common materials in the immediate environment water, air, rock, fabric, paper, metal, wood, plastic, food.
We discussed boiling, melting, condensation, freezing, solidifying and evaporation.
We grouped materials. We discussed materials and changing states
Completed a Watercycle experiment, this linked in with our Geography.
For Science week – we watched the following videos
Phenomenal physics of Water
Curious chemistry of water
Ecological wonder of water
5th & 6th Class
Practical MAths
Maths Trails

5th & 6th Completed Maths Trails during Maths Week and in the Summer Term.
They completed activities based on Data, Time, 2D & 3D Shape, Angles, Time, Fractions and Percentages.
The children really enjoyed these activities.
They completed activities based on Data, Time, 2D & 3D Shape, Angles, Time, Fractions and Percentages.
The children really enjoyed these activities.
Maths Week
We took part in Maths Week by working on the Maths Eyes Posters in Class and looked at Maths in our environment. Have a look at more of our practical Maths completed below.
Art and Maths
Christmas - Symmetrical Snowmen Art - 5th & 6th Class
The Marble Run ChalLenge
Science, Engineering, Art, Maths
The aim of this project was to create purposeful, functional and appealing designs.
We recycled and reused a wide range of materials. We used tools to perform practical tasks and build structures.
When creating marble runs the children took the following into consideration, the angles of runs, gravity, friction - all of which affected the speed at which the marble travelled. When testing the marble runs, we made sure it was a fair test by dropping the marble from the same place and by only changing the variable. They tested their runs three times and got an average of the three speeds the marble travelled. They compared the results with and without friction.
We explored how they can be made stronger and more stable.
Children decorated their designs.
We evaluated your ideas and products against design criteria.
We recycled and reused a wide range of materials. We used tools to perform practical tasks and build structures.
When creating marble runs the children took the following into consideration, the angles of runs, gravity, friction - all of which affected the speed at which the marble travelled. When testing the marble runs, we made sure it was a fair test by dropping the marble from the same place and by only changing the variable. They tested their runs three times and got an average of the three speeds the marble travelled. They compared the results with and without friction.
We explored how they can be made stronger and more stable.
Children decorated their designs.
We evaluated your ideas and products against design criteria.
Spagetti and MarshMallow Challenge

Stem projects Sustainability:
Class / Event:
5th & 6th:
During Lockdown
The Children completed the following at home:
Class / Event:
5th & 6th:
- Local and national global and environmental issues were discussed.- global warming, pollution, climate change, oceans. Watched the Blue Planet. Completed Poster work- 5 points what is harming planet. 5 ways we can help. (Active and Global citizenship)
During Lockdown
The Children completed the following at home:
- Watched the Engineer’s Week Video :(38) STEPS Engineers Week 2021: Mark the Science Guy (Primary Show) - YouTube
Bridge 1: Resources – cocktail sticks marsh mallows
Bridge 2: Coins, paper, books or blocks
Designed their own bridges and tried out different variations.
Children completed pictures of your bridge designs or simple sent pictures of them into Seesaw.
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We investigated how magnets can be made by completed the experiment below. We turned a steel needle into a magnet by stroking the needle from one end to the other with a bar magnet in the same direction, about 40 times. We tested it to see if it became a magnet by placing it near some paperclips near the needle. |
We learned that light is a form of energy. We identified light sources. We learned that light travels from a source. We investigated the refraction of light and completed experiments to show this happening.
Living Things
As Part of our Plant and Animal life Strant Unit, we
observed, identified and examined the animals and plants that live in local habitats and environments - our school rural landscape. Animals/Plants of our Ecosystem

Living things
Human life
Human life
The Heart - Our Circulatory System
5th & 6th Class Looked at the heart and the theory behind each vein and artery. We discussed the functions and structure of the heart, what the ventricles and the atriums do.
Have a look at our diagrams of the hearts.
We discussed the benefits of exercise and eating healthy to the heart.
We completed an experiment on exercise and pulse/ heart rate.
5th & 6th Class Looked at the heart and the theory behind each vein and artery. We discussed the functions and structure of the heart, what the ventricles and the atriums do.
Have a look at our diagrams of the hearts.
We discussed the benefits of exercise and eating healthy to the heart.
We completed an experiment on exercise and pulse/ heart rate.